Case Study
March 1, 2020

Consumer-Directed Exchange – An Approach for a Volunteer, Trusted, Private-Sector-Led Pathway

"Carequality has brought together the health care industry to overcome the challenge of interoperability by providing a national-level, consensus-built, common interoperability framework to enable exchange between and among health data sharing networks. This framework determines the technical and policy agreements to enable data to flow between and among networks, platforms, and geographies. Carequality provides consumer-facing third-party applications with a voluntary approach to connecting with various data holders via a single, trusted ‘on-ramp’ rather than connecting separately to many disparate systems. The CARIN Alliance has been working with other interested stakeholders on how to advance the ability for consumers and their authorized caregivers to easily get, use, and share their digital health information when, where, and how they want to achieve their goals. The individual right of access under HIPAA and the ONC and CMS proposed rules have helped to accelerate the ability for consumers to get digital access to their health information. We anticipate the final ONC and CMS rules will help lay the groundwork to continue to advance the ability for consumers to access ‘more data with less friction’ in the years ahead. Read the full blog post here."